1092Renaming wp-content Directory

In wp-config.php add:

define('WP_CONTENT_FOLDERNAME', 'my_new_content_folder');
define('WP_CONTENT_URL', 'https://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/' . WP_CONTENT_FOLDERNAME);

Source: https://developer.wordpress.org/advanced-administration/wordpress/wp-config/#moving-wp-content-folder

1065Not-so-advanced Custom Fields

The traditional Custom Fields in Wordpress have been around since the beginning, gives some degree of customability to the posts. They are very basic, but the work.

Soon after, the Advanced Custom Fields become the norm, adding a nice UI on top of the custom fields, and enabling things like checkboxes, time/date, repeater, etc.

All was great in Wordpressland, but the ACF were sold to WP Enginge who are now trying hard to monetize the ACFs. Instead of payment per installation, they now moved ACFs to a monthly/yearly subscription model.

I still keep using ACFs for client work, but try to remove it from my personal sites - like this one. All it did was to have a checkbox to enable/disable Markdown on the posts.

Markdown is now by default on, ACF no longer needed.

Also, I was stuggling to show the original Custom Fields:

Only AFTER I uninstalled ACF, the option showed up again!

1060Getting multiple ACFs via raw MySQL in ClassicPress

ACFs are a great (legacy?) way of storing additional data in a ClassicPress/Wordpress installtion. But things can get a but ugly when you have thousands of posts, each with ACFs maybe nested Repeater ACFs. Getting data out of larger installation with get_posts and WP_Query can quickly hit the limits of the DB installation and fail.

The solution? A raw, hand-crafted MySQL query:

Getting a Single Custom Field

SELECT wp_postmeta.meta_value             // return the meta_value
  FROM wp_posts, wp_postmeta
  WHERE wp_posts.post_status = 'publish'    // publish posts only
   AND wp_posts.ID = wp_postmeta.post_id
   AND wp_postmeta.meta_key = 'my_key'       // get value from 'my_key'

Getting the results with $wpdb->get_results().

$results = $wpdb->get_results($query);

Example Output

    [0] => stdClass Object
            [meta_value ] => 123
    [1] => stdClass Object
            [meta_value ] => 456

That works great, if you want to get one Custom Field, but how about multiple Custom Fields?

Getting Multiple Custom Fields

Custom fields are stored in the wp_postmeta table and defined by the meta_key and meta_value column.

SELECT p.ID, m1.meta_value as v1, m2.meta_value as v2 
FROM wp_posts p
LEFT JOIN wp_postmeta m1 ON p.ID = m1.post_id
LEFT JOIN wp_postmeta m2 ON p.ID = m2.post_id
WHERE p.post_status='publish'
AND m1.meta_key = 'my_key'
AND m2.meta_key = 'my_other_key'

Is it important to note - and slightly unintuitive - that the select line also declares aliases which will be used in the rest of the query:

  1. The p in p.ID is a shortcut for wp_posts
  2. The m1 in m1.meta_value is a shortcut for wp_postmeta
  3. Same as m2, but we want to select and JOIN different meta key we also need to have two shortcuts for wp_postmeta.
  4. meta_value as v1 is also important. If we would not use ... as v1 then the return array would include meta_value as a key and m2 would overwrite m1. Does not have to be v1 and v2, use whatever you like.

Example Output

    [0] => stdClass Object
            [ID] => 123
            [v1] => 33
            [v2] => 20130402
    [1] => stdClass Object
            [ID] => 456
            [v1] => 22
            [v2] => 20130404

Getting Multiple Custom Fields including ACF Repeater

The ACF Repeater fields also stores its values in wp_postmeta, following this schema: repeatername_nr_fieldname. Let's say we have a repeater field called videos and a sub-field called video, the meta_keys in wp_postmeta would look like this:


That means we need to modify the previous query, because the we can't be sure how many meta_key we have.

SELECT p.ID, m1.meta_value as v1, m2.meta_value as v2 
FROM wp_posts p
LEFT JOIN wp_postmeta m1 ON p.ID = m1.post_id
LEFT JOIN wp_postmeta m2 ON p.ID = m2.post_id
WHERE p.post_status='publish'
AND m1.meta_key REGEXP '[[:<:]]videos_[0-9]*_video[[:>:]]' 
AND m1.meta_value > 0
AND m2.meta_key = 'my_key'

AND m1.meta_key REGEXP '[[:<:]]videos_[0-9]*_video[[:>:]]' is a regular expression with some MySQL-specific syntax: [[:<:]] means beginning of string and [[:>:]] stands for end of string.
