951Making a Bootable USB Stick – for Linux – in OSX
The Manjaro Wiki suggests to make a bootable USB Stick like that:
sudo dd bs=4M if=/path/to/manjaro.iso of=/dev/sd[drive letter] status=progress oflag=sync
While this might work on Linux, it does not work with dd
on OSX/Darwin. Here are the error messages:
dd: bs: illegal numeric value
bs does not understand M
multiply manually, 4M -> 4 1024 1024 -> 4194304
sudo dd bs=4194304 if=/path/to.iso of=/dev/diskNr status=progress oflag=sync
dd: unknown operand status
dd on OSX does not understand the status flag
remove status flag
sudo dd bs=4194304 if=/path/to.iso of=/dev/diskNr oflag=sync
dd: unknown operand oflag
dd on OSX does not understand the oflag oflag
remove oflag flag
sudo dd bs=4194304 if=/path/to.iso of=/dev/diskNr
dd: /dev/disk4: Resource busy
Unmount disk before use, either via umount or in Disk Utility
And here we have it:
sudo dd bs=4194304 if=/path/to.iso of=/dev/diskNr