951Making a Bootable USB Stick – for Linux – in OSX

The Manjaro Wiki suggests to make a bootable USB Stick like that:

sudo dd bs=4M if=/path/to/manjaro.iso of=/dev/sd[drive letter] status=progress oflag=sync

While this might work on Linux, it does not work with dd on OSX/Darwin. Here are the error messages:

dd: bs: illegal numeric value
bs does not understand M
multiply manually, 4M -> 4 1024 1024 -> 4194304

sudo dd bs=4194304 if=/path/to.iso of=/dev/diskNr status=progress oflag=sync

dd: unknown operand status
dd on OSX does not understand the status flag
remove status flag

sudo dd bs=4194304 if=/path/to.iso of=/dev/diskNr oflag=sync

dd: unknown operand oflag
dd on OSX does not understand the oflag oflag
remove oflag flag

sudo dd bs=4194304 if=/path/to.iso of=/dev/diskNr

dd: /dev/disk4: Resource busy
Unmount disk before use, either via umount or in Disk Utility

And here we have it:

sudo dd bs=4194304 if=/path/to.iso of=/dev/diskNr

915SSH form OSX to Ubuntu – Locale Error

Problem: ‘std::runtime_error’ what(): locale::facet::_S_create_c_locale name not valid Aborted

Solution: export LC_ALL="en_US.UTF-8"

via http://martinhjelm.github.io/2015/06/14/Runtime-error-when-sshing-from-OSX-to-Ubuntu/

910Unresponsive Atom Editor on OSX

Atom is great, current, hackable and my current go-to editor, but from time-to-time it does like to open a certain directory. It keeps timing out, restarts of the Editor or the Computer don't help.

Clearing the window state helps.

atom --clear-window-state

886Making a text file executable in OSX with .command

Appending .command to a text file in OSX executes it on double click.

my-file.txt content wget https://wordpress.org/latest.tar.gz
rename my-file.txt → my-file.command

811Fuji Xerox ApeosPort (DocuCentre) IV C3370 & OSX Lion

Setting up the ApeosPort C3370 in OSX Lion should not be difficult at all. Download the latest drivers, install, select and there you go. Right? Not quite.

Selecting "FX ApeosPort-IV C3370 v3017.104 PS" or similar driver did not produce a workable connection to the printer. Rather it produced some annoying 'beep' sounds at the printer every time I was trying to print. But it did not produce any print-outs.

Thanks to this I found that the solution is to select the following driver: "FX Print Drive for Mac OX v1.2.2" (or whatever the latest version might be). It's working!

810Installing Circos on OS 10.6

Circos, the Perl-package for visualizing data and information in a circular layout is an immensely popular application in the bio-informatics/bio-visualization community. And rightly so, as it able to produce visually stunning and appealing graphics.

Because its the native environment is bio-informaticians, the software is written in Perl. For those without Perl experience, it can be slightly frustrating to set it up on OSX (as it was for me). Here are the steps I needed to do to get it running, hope that this might reduce the trouble and let others get to work on their visualization more quickly.

The whole installation process is also detailed on the Installation page.

1 Getting Circos Download the software, tutorials, tools and courses

2 Testing the modules Go the the circosX-XX/bin folder and run: ./test.modules This gives you a list of the installed Perl modules, and - more importantly - the ones still missing.

3 Install the missing modules Switch to the super user with 'su'. For each missing modules say: cpan -i Modulename::Subname

cpan -i Config::General
cpan -i Graphics::ColorObject
cpan -i Math::VecStat
etc, etc

All worked swimmingly, except GD was making a bit of trouble.

4 Installing GD The graphics library GD has to be present on your system. If it's not, install it. (I am with homebrew, therefore installing GD is done like that: brew install gd)

Still after installing GD, installing the Perl module would not work. But after applying a little force, it went fine:

cpan -i -f GD

5 Adding circos to your path Adding the circos 'bin' directory to your path lets you call the circos program directly without specifying the whole path. That's a good thing.

export PATH

After that, everything should work and your Circos adventure can begin...

800Enabling root in OS X 10.7 (or 10.6)

sudo passwd root

After which you are prompted with a

Changing password for root.
New password:

Why the need for root? Surely, it's a dangerous weapon and things can go awry easily, so only use it as a last resort. (I used it for hiding the couchdb account folder from the GUI.)

703Blocking hosts in /etc/hosts

How to block access to websites on your personal computer. The /etc/hosts file maintains a records of redirects, it you want to block access to a particular site, redirect to your local machine, or whichever site you find appropriate. Not that most website forward host-to-block.net to www.host-to-block.net, so make sure to block the www site as well.

Open the file in your favourite text editor, make sure you have the permissions to open it.

sudo nano /etc/hosts

Add the following line to the file.       host-to-block.net       www.host-to-block.net

Flush the cache to make the changes immediate.

sudo dscacheutil -flushcache

Again. The crucial bit is to also block the www-site. That seems to be missing from a lot of descriptions/tutorials out there in the wild.

688Ruby Version Manager for OSX

Nice, simple and clean way to install the latest version of Ruby and Gems on OSX.

The Tutorial: http://pragmaticstudio.com/blog/2010/9/23/install-rails-ruby-mac

And here's also the direct link: http://rvm.beginrescueend.com/

609Hide/Show Files in the Mac OSX GUI

Hiding files and folders from the Finder:

chflags hidden filename

And show them again:

chflags nohidden filename