959Making a Bootable Installer for OSX

Straight from the Apple Support page:

How to create a bootable installer for macOS https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT201372

High Sierra Page https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT208969

High Sierra App Store Link (hidden from standard Search) https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/macos-high-sierra/id1246284741?ls=1&mt=12

913WordPress functions.php

// update_option('siteurl',''); // update_option('home','');

// add excerpts to pages add_post_type_support('page', 'excerpt');

// remove auto-p in blog content remove_filter('the_content', 'wpautop');

// replace \n with <br /> // substitute
for line breaks in the content function addLineBreaks($content) { return str_replace("\n", "\n<br />", $content); } add_filter('the_content', 'addLineBreaks');

// register menu function register_theme_menu() { register_nav_menu('footer-menu', 'Footer Menu'); } add_action('init', 'register_theme_menu');

Show Wordpress Theme Menu

810Installing Circos on OS 10.6

Circos, the Perl-package for visualizing data and information in a circular layout is an immensely popular application in the bio-informatics/bio-visualization community. And rightly so, as it able to produce visually stunning and appealing graphics.

Because its the native environment is bio-informaticians, the software is written in Perl. For those without Perl experience, it can be slightly frustrating to set it up on OSX (as it was for me). Here are the steps I needed to do to get it running, hope that this might reduce the trouble and let others get to work on their visualization more quickly.

The whole installation process is also detailed on the Installation page.

1 Getting Circos Download the software, tutorials, tools and courses

2 Testing the modules Go the the circosX-XX/bin folder and run: ./test.modules This gives you a list of the installed Perl modules, and - more importantly - the ones still missing.

3 Install the missing modules Switch to the super user with 'su'. For each missing modules say: cpan -i Modulename::Subname

cpan -i Config::General
cpan -i Graphics::ColorObject
cpan -i Math::VecStat
etc, etc

All worked swimmingly, except GD was making a bit of trouble.

4 Installing GD The graphics library GD has to be present on your system. If it's not, install it. (I am with homebrew, therefore installing GD is done like that: brew install gd)

Still after installing GD, installing the Perl module would not work. But after applying a little force, it went fine:

cpan -i -f GD

5 Adding circos to your path Adding the circos 'bin' directory to your path lets you call the circos program directly without specifying the whole path. That's a good thing.

export PATH

After that, everything should work and your Circos adventure can begin...

67oF on iF

openFrameworks on iPhone, now finally public.

http://www.memo.tv/ofxiphone http://www.jeffcrouse.info/uncategorized/openframeworks-on-iphone/

i shall attempt to install it, and report back then. in the meantime too busy with the wolf.

update: installation was a breeze, the demos are running quite nicely. (of course you did not forget changing the code-signing in the target to your id). curious to find out what the hardware can do. and finally no more excuses of not getting into oF.