438VVOSC – Objective C OSC wrapper

source: http://github.com/mrRay/vvosc/tree/master docs: http://www.vidvox.net/rays_oddsnends/vvosc_doc/

after following the instructions in the docs, i get the following error (iPod Touch 2nd, OS3.0 beta 5)

/Users/username/Desktop/Test/build/Debug-iphoneos/Test.app: object file format invalid or unsuitable

After some googling, I came across this, and it seems to do the trick.



to the Code Signing Resource Path. Why exactly it's working is anybody's guess.


This might also be worth a look: liblo: Lightweight OSC implementation


Info.plist with an automatic pop-up of all possible values. Nice.

95iPhone Proximity Sensor


hmm. interesting.

How does that relate to iPhone OS 3.0?

67oF on iF

openFrameworks on iPhone, now finally public.

http://www.memo.tv/ofxiphone http://www.jeffcrouse.info/uncategorized/openframeworks-on-iphone/

i shall attempt to install it, and report back then. in the meantime too busy with the wolf.

update: installation was a breeze, the demos are running quite nicely. (of course you did not forget changing the code-signing in the target to your id). curious to find out what the hardware can do. and finally no more excuses of not getting into oF.


  • simple subclass of UITableController
  • for Fullscreen tables only
  • create UITableView with loadView
  • set delegate & dataSource to itself