1087screen – Quick Overview

The screen terminal utility allows for the continous running of terminal jobs - even when the user is logged out:

  1. Start a new session with screen.
  2. Dettach screen: control-a, d
  3. List all screens: screen -list
  4. Re-attach screen: screen -r
  • Remove dead screen: screen -wipe

Use case: WP-CLI

1010Importing a MySQL File with Command Line

Working with XAMPP and and phpMyAdmin makes dealing with databases more visual, but importing large db dumb files can fail/take a long time.

Importing from the command line is faster and more stable.

Use the XAMPP mysql, if there is not a global mysql

cd /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/bin 

Import on Local Server

mysql -u username -p db_name < ~/path/to/db/file.sql

Import with specified Server

mysql -u username -p -h hostname db_name  < ~/path/to/db/file.sql

Checking Status of MySQL Server

mysqladmin -u username -p -h hostname status
  • -p asks for the password on execution
  • Importing a ca. 300MB file takes ca. 5 seconds.
  • Make sure the DB "db_name" already exists.


I exported all the DB from one installatino as one, big localhost.sql and then tried to import it in another one. That creates the following error:

ERROR 2006 (HY000) at line 127571: MySQL server has gone away

Some DBs have been imported, but not all.

Workaround: Export/Import DBs individually.