484Printing Selectors in NSLog

Using NSStringFromSelector to convert the selectos into a NSString, and the print the object:

NSLog(@"%@", NSStringFromSelector(selector) );

Or print it directly with good, old-fashioned C:

NSLog(@"%s", selector,);

452Padding with Zeros (or other characters)

int x = 11;

[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%03i", x];
// @"011"

[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%+5i", x];
// @"+++11"

[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%+05i", x];
// @"+0011"

And not really like that. 381. I'll still have to learn a lot of C.

447Stripping out NSLog() from the Release Build

Add the the *_Prefix.pch file of your projects. Strips out NSLogs, when optimized (=Release Build)

Very nice solution, thanks to Marek Bell

// strip out NSLog on optimize
#ifndef __OPTIMIZE__
#    define NSLog(...) NSLog(__VA_ARGS__)
#    define NSLog(...) {}

376Variable length of accuracy of float in NSString

float f = 1.23456;

NSLog(@"%.2f", f);
NSLog(@"%.0f", f);
NSLog(@"%.0f", f);

1.23 1 1.23456


Looking Projectwide for NSLog's:

Shift-Apple-F: [^//]NSLog

All the NSLogs, which don't have // infront of them.

Update: This might be a more elegant way to get rid of the NSLogs. 447

218Obj-C, Shortcut: Boolean return value to String

Turning Boolean 1, 0 into a more descriptive description:

NSLog(@"data1 is equal to data2: %@", [data1 isEqualToData:data2] ? @"YES" : @"NO");