673Checking mouseOver in controlP5

In sojamo's controlP5 library for Processing, check globally, whether the mouse is over a controlP5 element. Particularly usefully when the mouseDrag is also mapped to something else.


sojamo's original comment:

666Proportional Venn diagram

Everybody loves Venn diagrams. But despite their omnipresence, I found little resources, that would allow me to construct proportional Venn diagrams, meaning the overlapping area depicts the actual amount of overlap.

The function calculateVennDistance() takes the area of one circle, the are of the other one, and the intersected area, and calculates the distance between these circles that match the intersected area. Not as straight-forward as I initially thought it would be, if you have a better implementation, please let me know.

This is the code for calculating the distance between 2 circles, the overlapping area is proportionally in relation to the size of the other circles. I guess it would not be that difficult to adapt it for a Venn diagram with 3 circles.

function calculateVennDistance($area1, $area2, $intersectedArea) {

    $r1 = sqrt($area1 / M_PI);      // area to radius
    $r2 = sqrt($area2 / M_PI);

    $lower = 0;                         // lower test boundery
    $chordLength = 0;                   // start with 0
    $upper = 2 * min($r1, $r2);         // smaller diameter

    for($i=0; $i<50;$i++) {
        // run 50 interations... should be plenty
        $testArea = segmentArea($r1, $chordLength) + segmentArea($r2, $chordLength);

        if ($testArea > $intersectedArea) {
            $upper = $chordLength;
        } else {
            $lower = $chordLength;
        $chordLength = ($lower + $upper)/2;

    $h1 = $r1 - sqrt( pow($r1,2) - pow($chordLength/2,2) );
    $h2 = $r2 - sqrt( pow($r2,2) - pow($chordLength/2,2) );

    $circleDistance = $r1 + $r2 - ($h1 + $h2);  
    return $circleDistance;

function segmentArea($radius, $chordLength) {
    $segmentHeight = $radius - sqrt( pow($radius,2) - pow(($chordLength/2),2));
    $alpha = 2 * acos(1 - $segmentHeight/$radius);
    return pow($radius,2)/2 * ($alpha - sin($alpha));

PS The numbers for the post get assigned automatically, but this one truly reflects my fight with this problem.

664OpenGL in Processing using Eclipse

Instructions to set up Processing+OpengGL in Eclipse.

http://processing.org/discourse/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1114400513/30 http://programminginteractivity.com/wordpress/?p=175

656Google Venn Charts Code

Google Venn Charts use a somewhat cryptic parameter for the relative size of the groups and their overlapping areas:


Where '9' is the size of one group, '3' the size of the other and 'a' the size of their overlapping regions. Clearly Google was trying to come up with a one-character coding scheme, the goal was to map one character to a range from 0 .. 100.

So, after a couple of minutes well spend, I present the Google Venn Chart coding table:

$code = array(  "A","B","B","C","C","D","E","E","F","F",

The index of the array corresponds to the percentage of the size. Now we can infer, that our example from above, &chd=s:93_a___ means: 9 → 100, 3 → 90 and a → 42. Note that some values have multiple indexes, I guess Venn charting is not that exact of a science.

This example is dealing with 2 groups and one intersections, but there is not reason, why it should not work with 3-group Venn diagrams.

654Find Largest Number in Javascript

Nice way and fast way of finding the largest number in an array.

var arr = [1233, 32, 442];
var largest = Math.max.apply(Math, arr);



652PHP Arrays to Javascript Objects via JSON

Moving PHP Associative Array (Dictionaries, whatever..) over for use in Javascript. In JS Associative Array are actually objects, so we might as well make it into one.

echo "var data =" . json_encode($somatic, JSON_FORCE_OBJECT) . ";

650Enabling Font Smoothing in the Processing IDE

Open your preferences.txt, set editor.antialias=true. Works with Processing 1.2.1

647The 11G Text-Edit Challenge

Ok, here's a challenge. Say, you have a massive, 11 Gigabyte text file. The first two lines are the header files, unfortunately the header on line 2 is slightly wrong: Instead of 'Done' it should say 'Status:Done'. (Hit: 'Done' is the first occurrence of that string in that line)

Any Ideas?

  • split and the cat? Could not figure out to split it in uneven files, i.e. the first 2 lines and the rest...
  • vi? Seems to open, but bulks when saving it.


sed seems to be the tool for this job. sed '2 s/Done/Status:Done/' input.txt > output.txt

Took about 7 minutes on my machine... Any better ideas still very much appreciated.

[Update 2: How to insert a tab with sed]

Inserting a tab with sed turned out to be more resilient than expected. Neither an escaped tab (\t) not a double-escaped tab (\t) seemed to do the trick. On bash it is necessary to drop out of sed and print the tab (\011) directly. 27 in the following statement means of course line 27.

sed '27 s/Done/Status:Done'"$(printf '\011')"'After Tab/' in.txt > out.txt

644/bin/rm: Argument list too long.

Hmm. That's an interesting one.

After an app crashed on me, it left hundreds (thousands?) of files littering my desktop. The expected rm littering_files* produced the unexpected error message:

/bin/rm: Argument list too long.

Seems like a BSD kernel limitation. Here is more.

640printf()ing string in C++

Silly, little C++ Beginner's mistake.

How do you print strings in C++?

string test = "tssst";

Of course not, that's C++!!!

That's how you do it:


And if you want to stop the compiler throwing warnings:

printf("%s", test.c_str());

So close, yet so far out.