130Admin Language Changer

for each user. Ideal, if you have to maintain an installation in a different language than the ones you know. Make sure to actually install the appropriate language files. Based upon Admin in English by Nikolay Bachiyski
Version: 1.0
Author: Georg Tremmel
Author URI: http://trembl.org/codec/admin-language-changer/
Tags: translation, translations, i18n, admin, localization, backend, user, user-specific, language

function user_specific_admin_language( $locale ) {
    global $user_ID;

    // user_IDs, 1 -> admin, 12 -> georg

    if ( is_admin() ) {

        switch($user_ID) {
            case 1:
                return 'en_US';

            case 12:
                return 'en_US';

        //  case 3:
        //      return 'fr_FR';
        //      break;


    return $locale;
add_filter( 'locale', 'user_specific_admin_language' );


=== Admin Language Changer === Contributors: trembl Tags: translation, translations, i18n, admin, localization, backend, user, user-specific, language Requires at least: 2.7 Tested up to: 2.8.1 Stable tag: trunk

Admin Language Changer allows you to change the language of the Wordpress-Backend Interface for each user without changing the global language setting in wp_config.php.

== Description ==

Ideal for Administrators, who need to maintain a Wordpress Installation in another language than their own. Allows you to assign a different backend language for each user without having to resort to changing the global language settings. Based upon the Admin in English Plugin by Nikolay Bachiyski.

== Installation ==

This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.

  1. Unzip
  2. Upload
  3. Activate